Basic Combat Rules and Guidelines

It isn't always that words can settle a deal, barter a trade, or sway the hearts of others. Sometimes the only answer is to do battle, and those of malicious intent or bloodlust will always seek this out regardless of more peaceful solutions. When the time comes where weapons and magic need be drawn, company members may use this system of combat for fairness, limitations and all around fun to enhance their Roleplaying experience. Below are a set of basic rules, guidelines, and direction into the world of RP combat in the Final Fantasy XIV universe. It is highly suggested that these rulings be used in conjunction with a DM or other coordinating player for maximum potential. Likewise, these rulings may be subject to altering, enhancing, dismissal, and other future changes that may make the gameplay experience more fun, or run smoother for a specific scenario. DM Discretion advised.

How /Random Works

Every player gets to use one /random roll per turn normally for attacking or healing. Players desiring to use an attack, heal, special ability or passive ability must declare their intentions before the /random roll needed to determine its results. Some instances and abilities may vary on this but will be specified if they are separate from a players normal /random for their turn.

Order of Operations

When a /random is made against a target the order of operations goes as such:

First number is the confirmation of hit calculated first. A score of 4 or higher is needed for success in basic combat.

Second number is the damage/healing value and is calculated second. (This is where percentages and rounding are done if needed).

Third number is the critical strike chance, which determines if the player scores a critical hit or not.

Damage & Critical Rolls

All melee, ranged and magical abilities using /random are critical on a score of 8, 9, or 0, (unless otherwise specified by an ability in play) and do double the numerical amount rolled.

Any additional damage/healing dealt by a passive or ability is added in after the damage/healing value and critical strike have been determined.

Healing & HP

When a player declares to cast a heal on an ally, a /random will be made to determine amount and critical. Healing spells will always hit a friendly target regardless of the first number. The second number value and critical chance third number are what the heal value is.
Any healer may opt to use their /random for the turn to heal All allies instead of a single target. (Only a dedicated healer job class may use this. Off heal classes such as Paladin, Summoner, Red Mage or Blue Mage may only cast a /random heal at a single target player of choice)
Since this is a powerful spell requiring much aether and focus, this option can only be used once every 3 rounds. All allies are healed for 50% of numerical value rolled.

HP Values are determined by class role: Healers 20HP, DPS 25HP, & Tanks 30HP.

Buffs & Rounds

There are many job classes that have a damage or healing per round ability. For clarification purposes, the effects coming from a specific ability only occur at the start of a turn for the player who used it.

(Example: An enemy has a Bio ability effect on them. Damage from Bio only occurs at the start of a turn for the player who used that ability.)

Only one of a specific ally-wide effect can be in play at a time. In terms of multiple buff classes in a party, if the same buff from one ally is already in play, the new one only refreshes the duration of, or overwrites it completely.
(Example: Gaining +1 critical strike chance from Astrologian cannot stack with the +1 critical strike chance from Bard.)

Percent Abilites

Any mention of a percentage of damage/healing refers to the numerical value rolled. (second number on /random) When calculating damage or healing in percentages under 100%, all numerical values are rounded down but always at least 1.

(Example: /random attack roll is 673. 50% damage is 3 [7 x.5(50%) = 3.5 round down = 3. If the second number was a ‘1’ the damage remains constant and not rounded down into fractions.)